MİTTO's Achievements at the 5th Istanbul International Invention Fair (ISIF'20)


Innovation and Technology Transfer Application and Research Center (MITTO) achieved success at the 5th Istanbul International Invention Fair held between 5 August 2020 - 27 September 2020.

Industry and Technology Ministry, the Turkish Patent and Trademark Agency, International inventors Union Federation (IFIA), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Patent Office (EPO) and Turkey Technology Team carried out with support from the Foundation 5th gold at the Istanbul International Invention Fair , silver and bronze medals found their owners at MITTO. The award-winning academics received their awards from MITTO Center Director Prof. Dr. Presented by Ahu Altınkut Uncuoğlu.

Assoc. Dr. Serdar Aktaş ie Res. See. Burcu Nilgün Çetiner won the bronze medal.


We congratulate our academic staff and wish them continued success.


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