Double Major Curriculum

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Double Major Program

Students who meet the requirements of the Double Major Program (Double Major Program) can apply to the department they want to do Double Major.

The courses that the applicant student has taken before are examined by the Department Rating Committee; Of the courses deemed appropriate, those listed below (Students admitted in 2020 and after; they are responsible for all our main curriculum in accordance with YOK regulations.) and accepted as equivalent are removed from the list; All of the remaining courses are determined as the Double Major course list.

An advisor is assigned to the student from the department where he will make Double Major Program.

The student should know that his education can be prolonged under normal conditions.

Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği (İngilizce) - 2015 (ÇAP)
Genel Toplam     |     Ders Sayısı:35    |     T = 76     |     U = 36     |     Toplam Saat = 112    |     Kredi = 177    |     ECTS = 177
ÇAP Müfredatı
No Ders Kodu Ders Adı T U Kredi ECTS
1 CHEM1001 General Chemistry I 3 2 6 6
2 MATH1001 Calculus I 4 0 6 6
3 ISG121 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği I 2 0 2 2
4 MSE1001 Introduction to Materials Engineering 0 2 3 3
5 PHYS1101 Physics I 3 0 4 4
6 PHYS1103 Physics Lab I 0 2 2 2
7 ISG122 İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği II 2 0 2 2
8 MATH1002 Calculus II 4 0 6 6
9 ME1161 Engineering Drawing 1 2 5 5
10 MATH2055 Differential Equations 3 0 4 4
11 MSE2001 Materials Science I 3 0 6 6
12 MSE2003 Metallurgical Thermodynamics 3 0 5 5
13 MSE2002 Materials Science II 3 0 6 6
14 MSE2004 Solution Thermodynamics 3 0 5 5
15 MSE2006 Materials Laboratory 1 4 5 5
16 MSE2008 Phase Equilibria 3 0 6 6
17 MSE3000 Summer Practice I 0 0 10 10
18 MSE3001 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3 0 5 5
19 MSE3003 Transport Phenomena 2 2 6 6
20 MSE3013 Metallography 2 2 5 5
21 MSE3021 Ceramic Materials 3 2 5 5
22 MSE3031 Chemical Metallurgy I 2 2 5 5
23 MSE3011 Physical Metallurgy 3 0 5 5
24 MSE3014 Materials Characterization 2 2 5 5
25 MSE3032 Chemical Metallurgy II 2 2 5 5
26 MSE3102 Deformation Processes 3 0 5 5
27 MSE3116 Principals of Soldification and Casting 2 2 5 5
28 MSE4035 Iron and Steel Production 3 0 5 5
29 MSE4016 Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys 3 0 5 5
30 MSE4117 Polymeric Materials and Processing 3 0 5 5
31 MSE4197 Engineering Project I 0 4 3 3
32 MSE4000 Summer Practice II 0 0 10 10
33 MSE4001 Degradation of Materials 2 2 5 5
34 MSE4003 Materials Selection and Design 3 0 5 5
35 MSE4198 Engineering Project II 0 4 5 5
TOPLAM 76 36 177 177

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